Sunday, September 11, 2011

To a lovely friend, for assurance and support.

A Letter to An Unborn Child

Cherished one,

As you rest within the comforting confines of your beautiful mother and creator, take in the sounds that surround you. Observe the repetitious heartbeat within you, the lifeblood of all humanity. The precious nourishment that is provided to you by the one who would give her all for you, no matter the situation, no matter the cost.

You will find, as you age, that this life holds much in store for you. The world that you enter is a wondrous one, but it is not without its travails and its hardships. Those you hold most dear to you will cause you the most torturous of pain, into the deepest valleys you could ever imagine, but they will also catapult you to the highest of highs.

This, dear one, is a world of dualities. You will find that you'll have more questions than you do answers. Fear not, as this is the intention. That which has given each of us the precious experience we've come to know as "life" on this magnificent planet seeks to improve us through trials. The journey is the most priceless gift we could ever receive, for one who does not seek answers and solutions is very much doomed to repeat the mistakes of their forebearers. 

Keep love in your heart for those who would otherwise persecute you, for it is this love that they may not have likely received during the course of their life experiences. Mountains are moved by the force of unencumbered, unconditional love.

Witness the trees, the air and the ground beneath your feet. Feel the Earth meld itself to the soles of your feet. Notice a unity, a collaborative effort between all elements. As you gaze into your mothers eyes, seeking assurance and acceptance, understand that within her lies a part of you, and vice versa. You are one. The love between you is shared between all beings, however it is desire for self-appeasement that drives men away from this natural conviviality. 

Be ever cognizant of your world, of your surroundings. Most of all, be love. Do your best to provide warmth to the coldest hearts, support to the most dilapidated bridge. However, never lose sight that you, too, need these things to survive. Hold perspective and balance forever in your heart,and you will be all right. There is no "perfect peace", but with these things in order, you will find peace in your heart, mind, and most importantly, spirit.

With great love and solicitude,


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